Monday 15 November 2010

Duffield Printers Visit

My visit to Duffield Printers last week was so useful, I learned so much about printers and how they work and the process they go through when a design comes through.

I was able to pick the mind of Jon Mcgill who works primarily with preparing design to go to print and preparing the plates. He showed me the whole process and what software they use and the problems they encounter with designs. One thing i didn't realise was how flexible they can be once a design has been sent through, they can change a document size, change RGB images automatically in to CMYK (not that this is something i should rely on) but it was good to see how much they can actually do that side of things.

Another point which i found extremely useful was how designings specify any print finishes they want and i was surprised that most of it is actually done face to face at a meeting with them where you specify what you want and what stock and finishes and then it all gets sent onto a form.

I then spend a while with Clive Elston who took me around the print factory and explained to me what it was about them that was environmentally friendly with the stocks and materials they use.

All in all it was a great day and I'm really great full that they took time out their day to show me around and answer my questions.

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