Tuesday, 26 January 2010

What form can my CV take?

Here are a few examples of what kind of vidual form my CV could take, they might be a bit to visual but i really want to show this creativity and fun way of approaching it.

a pop out book would be amzing to do if it was exicuted perfectly.

a small buisness card that folds out into a visual poster of infomation

im not sure what infomation could be shown but a flip book would be a really fun and quick way of getting a message across, or just showing one piece of work in a very informal way and hopefully the employee will want to see more.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

What is a Portfolio?

Self Promotion is very important to get people to remeber who you are and a little bit of what you do. here are a few examples that i have looked at to see what form a self promo can come as.


Magazine Design

A Broshure

Self Promotion Packs - Michael Fryers

Monday, 11 January 2010